Building Resilient Futures: 2024 Mid-Atlantic Design Fellowship Applications Open

The 2024 Mid-Atlantic Design Fellowship (MADF) is a student design charrette that seeks to cultivate emerging design talent, excite and stimulate new design approaches and provide service to benefit the communities in which we live. The fellowship aims at fostering transformative architectural solutions for the heart of Virginia’s capital. In the midst of Richmond’s rich historical tapestry, we recognize the pressing need for sustainable urban development that harmonizes with the city’s unique identity. This fellowship extends a warm invitation to visionary designers passionate about crafting a resilient future for Richmond. The challenge is to reimagine urban spaces, integrating sustainable practices that not only enhance the quality of life for its residents but also contribute to the city’s cultural and environmental vitality. Join us in the pursuit of sustainable excellence as we work together to shape a more resilient and vibrant urban fabric for Richmond, where innovative design meets the distinctive charm of a historic city.

Location and Schedule

During three days of collaboration, MADF participants will investigate, iterate, and propose solutions, based on a design prompt. The workshop will begin on Friday, March 8 and culminate on Sunday, March 10. A final review and exhibition will be held Monday, March 11 in the HKS Richmond office. Specific 2024 MADF design challenge information will be presented to students selected to participate in the fellowship one week before the in-person collaboration.

HKS Richmond Address: 2100 E Cary St #100, Richmond, VA 23223


Typically, 6-10 fellows will be chosen by the design fellowship committee. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application via email within a week following the application deadline. Those selected for the Fellowship must submit a headshot photo and brief bio (up to 200 words) upon notification for inclusion in the welcome packet and website announcement.


MADF is open to college or university undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates (up to 1 year post graduation) of architecture, interior design, industrial design and other design programs.

The 2024 application period opens December 5 and closes on January 19, 2024.

To apply, please email the following information to [email protected]

  • Subject Line – “Application submission for MADF2024”
  • Personal Information – your name, school, major and year in school or year graduated.
  • Design Process – a description of your preferred design tools (Sketching skills, 3D modeling software, rendering software, etc.)
  • 11 X 17 Portfolio Page (PDF attachment) – this can be a single image, a sampling of previous work, collage or whatever you feel reflects who you are as a designer (no photos of yourself)
  • Statement of Interest (PDF attachment) – a paragraph explanation of what excites you about being part of the fellowship.

Meals will be provided to participants during the four days of the MADF. Hotel and travel arrangements will not be provided, however, and are the responsibility of the Fellows.

The decisions of the design fellowship committee are final. For any inquiries, please email: [email protected]