How Can We Design More Equitable Cities?
Event Limitless Panel Weighs How Transit-Oriented Development Can Curb Inequity Among Neighborhoods
Announcement Austin Transit Partnership Announces Collaboration with HKS, UNStudio and Gehl to Lead Architecture and Urban Design for Project Connect
news Fast Company: America’s Newest Transit System Starts to Take Shape
People Sheba Ross, Global Practice Director, Cities and Communities
Design thinking that puts people, purpose and planet at its center empowers us to be a part of something that will outlast us.Sheba Ross
Global Practice Director, Cities and Communities
Who Should Be at the Table To Create Resilient Cities?
Story How Dallas Can Become a Model for Smart Growth Amid Climate Change
Report Healthy Choices = Healthy Campuses: Point-of-Decision-Design
Story Architects Must Lead Conversations about Climate Change to Prioritize People and Planet
How Can Planning Improve Community Health?
Report Community-BLOC: A Framework for Healthy and Pandemic-Resilient Communities
Story How Design Can Enhance the Brain Health of a Rapidly Aging Population
news HKS Details How They Provided a Health Design Strategy for Qatar
news HKS' Erin Peavey Discusses Need for Improved Mental Health Infrastructure
Working with communities, we co-create places that foster human flourishing for all.Erin Peavey
Design Researcher